Python Program to Check Entered Date is Palindrome or Not
In this tutorial we will learn to write the program to check whether entered date is palindrome or not in detail.
Watch this tutorial to learn about Palindrome Date Program

day = int(input("enter day:")) month = int(input("enter month:")) year = int(input("enter year:")) if month==1 or month==3 or month==5 or month==7 or month==8 or month==10 or month==12: max_days=31 elif month==4 or month==6 or month==9 or month==11: max_days=30 elif year%4==0 and year%100!=0 or year%400==0: max_days=29 else: max_days=28 if month<1 or month>12: print("entered date is invalid") print("check the range of month") elif day<1 or day>max_days: print("entered date is invalid") print("check the range of day") elif year<1900 or year>2019: print("invalid date") else: print("entered date is valid") dd = str(day) mm = str(month) yyyy = str(year) if month<10: mm= "0"+mm if day<10: dd = "0"+dd given_date = dd+mm+yyyy reversed_date = given_date[::-1] if given_date == reversed_date: print("date is palindrome") else: print("date is not palindrome")